Department of Chemistry : All Pages
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- The Story of HydRegen
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- Nicholas Green
- Ed Anderson
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- Advanced Functional Materials and Interfaces
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- Chemistry at the interface with Biology and Medicine
- Energy and Sustainable Chemistry
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- Theory and Modelling in the Chemical Sciences
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- About
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- Alumni events
- Machine-learning models explain structural transitions in disordered silicon
- Admissions
- Lab tour video
- Stephen Fletcher
- INEOS donates £100 million to create new institute to fight antimicrobial resistance
- Simon Clarke
- Grant Ritchie
- Stephen Faulkner
- Christopher Schofield
- Janice French
- Bioengineering the human gut
- ERC Awards Success for Professors Susan Perkin and Andrew Baldwin
- RSC Awards Success for Oxford Chemists
- Oxford University and King Abdulaziz University (KAU) scientists working together to develop innovative treatment for COVID-19
- Professor Dame Carol Robinson to lead new Kavli Institute for Nanoscience Discovery
- Karina Calvopina
- Jürgen Brem
- Sarah Cleary
- Gabriele Pupo
- David Logan
- Peter Edwards
- Richard Cooper
- Simon Aldridge
- Fraser Armstrong
- Paul Beer
- Bill David
- Nanopore LamPORE mobile Covid-19 testing
- Jason Davis
- Volker Deringer
- Martine Abboud
- Hagan Bayley
- Andrew Goodwin
- Michael Hayward
- Matthew Langton
- Ed Anderson
- Harry Anderson
- Dirk Aarts
- Tom Brown
- Jonathan Burton
- Tim Claridge
- Darren Dixon
- Tim Donohoe
- Fernanda Duarte Gonzalez
- Andrew Frawley
- Véronique Gouverneur
- David Hodgson
- Make a gift
- James McCullagh
- Iain McCulloch
- Shabaz Mohammed
- Mark Moloney
- Jeremy Robertson
- Angela Russell
- Industry
- Martin Smith
- Michael Willis
- Dame Carol Robinson
- Richard Compton
- Andrew Baldwin
- William Barford
- Pu Zhao
- Leah Taylor - Kearney
- Getting here
- Justin Benesch
- Professor Tony Downs
- David Clary
- Jonathan Doye
- John Foord
- Martin Galpin
- Peter Hore
- Robert Jacobs
- John McGrady
- Philip Mountford
- Madhavi Krishnan
- Philipp Kukura
- William Myers
- David Manolopoulos
- Dermot O'Hare
- Stuart Mackenzie
- Lorna Smith
- Robert Penfold
- Susan Perkin
- Support academics and researchers
- Support Oxford Chemistry students
- Alumni and philanthropic donors
- Periodic magazine
- Stephan Rauschenbach
- Dean Sheppard
- Claudia Tait
- David Tew
- Claire Vallance
- Mark Wilson
- Amber Thompson
- Christiane Timmel
- Edman Tsang
- Kylie Vincent
- Luet Wong
- Tiancun Xiao
- Slamming molecules opens new reaction paths
- Looking inside banana-shaped liquid crystals
- Looking inside banana-shaped liquid crystals
- Professor A David Buckingham
- Technician Commitment
- Matthew Langton
- Michael Booth
- Mohammadali Foroozandeh
- Pu Zhao
- Michael Burt
- Covid-19 drug trial of Almitrine
- Major Chemistry Sponsor forms New Public-Private Partnership to help manufacture and distribute Oxford Covid-19 Vaccine
- Study identifies interactions which might stop heart muscle protein getting too stretched out
- COVID-19 drug trial could lead to enhanced respiratory care for patients
- Emeriti
- Peter D. Battle
- Emeriti
- Akane Kawamura
- Ryan Taylor
- Get involved
- Mohammadali Foroozandeh
- Transcript for video: Solutions For Our Future film from the Chemical Industries Association
- Spinouts
- Lee Douglas
- Ed Anderson
- Molecules that can hop
- Emily Flashman
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Synthesis of dense porous layered double hydroxides from struvite
- John Brown
- Mark Child
- Steve Davies
- Jon Dilworth
- Russell Egdell
- John Eland
- George Fleet
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Jennifer Green
- Gus Hancock
- Brian Howard
- Jacob Klein
- Keith McLauchlan
- Michael Mingos
- John Simons
- Robert Thomas
- Exploring large scale aromaticity
- Karl Harrison
- Weighing molecules with light
- ACS Catalysis cover feature
- Royal Commission Industrial Fellowships
- Oxford EPSRC CDT in Inorganic Chemistry for Future Manufacturing
- The SCG-Oxford Centre of Excellence
- Green Ammonia: Siemens and Professor Edman Tsang
- Electrochemical food sensors with Zimmer and Peacock
- Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthesis for Biology & Medicine
- Ineos and Professor Chris Schofield: New Institute to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance
- Publications
- RSC Women in Chemistry
- Maitane Fernandez Chento
- Chris Blackwell
- Susan Davis
- Angela Lintern
- Rachel MacCoss
- Kim Nixon
- Wendy Gillard
- Oxford Suzhou Centre for Advanced Research
- Developing analytical methods to study chemistry in cells: Thermo Fisher Scientific and Professor James McCullagh
- Unilever and Professor Charlotte Williams
- Heriot-Watt and Oxford: working together on fundamental chemistry research
- Industrial support for the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory
- Sue Henderson
- Homepage
- Table test
- Asymmetric bicyclopentylation
- Lydia Gilday
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Ask a Chemist: Dr Marie Wong
- Terri Adams
- Management Team
- Charlotte Prentice
- Folding (and then stapling) DNA Origami
- Light-driven protein modification
- Stephen Elliott
- Visiting academics
- Henrik Mouritsen
- Jeff Penfold
- Mark Bunnage
- Andrew Hamilton
- The 2020 Africa Oxford Research Development Award
- Malcolm Stewart
- Zoe Smallwood
- Craig Campbell
- Simon Hibble
- Megan Midson
- An optimal solution to controlling spins
- Saskia O'Sullivan
- Chemistry Teaching Laboratory Workshops
- Our priorities
- Past campaigns
- Explore Chemistry: Origins of Life
- Ask a Chemist: Dr Weston Struwe
- Saskia O'Sullivan
- Explore Chemistry: Hypoxia, a new frontier in the fight against COVID-19
- Link UP! Meet the Challenge Team 1
- Link UP! Meet the Challenge Team 2
- Link UP! Meet the Challenge Team 3
- The Future of Plastics
- Women in Science Taster Day
- Better batteries for the future
- Ask a Chemist: Dr Bradley Cowie
- Solutions For Our Future - a film from the Chemical Industries Association
- Charlotte Williams and Stanley Whittingham elected Fellows of the Royal Society
- Plastics from Another Perspective
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- North-West Science Network Chemistry Panel
- Plastics from Another Perspective
- Outstanding Junior Faculty Award for Fernanda Duarte
- Yujia Qing
- CRUK Oxford Centre Development Fund awarded to Dr Linna Zhou
- Proteam UP! Meet the Challenge Team 3
- Proteam UP! Meet the Challenge Team 2
- Proteam UP! Meet the Challenge Team 1
- Three Oxford chemists win prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry prizes
- Oxford Chemistry Undergraduate Admissions Teacher Session
- UNIQ Chemistry Academic Module
- Salters' Festival of Chemistry - South East
- Salters' Festival SE: Q&A: Molecular Engineering & Chemistry at Oxford
- Salters' Festival SE: Teacher's Q&A: Molecular Engineering in the Curriculum
- Autumn Chemistry Conference 2021
- Salters' Festival SE: Q&A: Molecular Engineering & Chemistry at Oxford
- International collaboration sheds light on the mechanism of magnetic sensing in birds
- University College: Virtual Study Day
- New paper in Chemical Science
- Royal Microscopical Society Medal awarded to Professor Philipp Kukura
- Professor Richard Compton elected to the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
- Salters’ Graduate Award for Ben Rhodes
- Gold nano-pyramid with novel optical and chemical properties
- Megan Midson awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
- Ask a Chemist (in English and Spanish): Dr Patricia Rodriguez Macia
- Explore Chemistry: Molecular Cages
- Explore Chemistry: Chemical Biology and Proteins
- David Minnikin
- Professor Allen Hill FRS
- Real-time optimisation of NMR experiments
- A new approach to form icosahedral quasicrystals
- Steve Davies RS award
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship for Dr Weston Struwe
- Arthur C Cope Award for Professor Véronique Gouverneur
- Ludmilla Steier
- ADTBio acquired by Swedish life sciences company
- Oxford Nanopore Technologies floated on the London Stock Exchange
- Unravelling molecular mechanisms of mental health
- Ask a Chemist: Dr Marcin Majewski
- Simon Cassidy
- Professor Malcolm Green FRS (1936-2020)
- Towards sustainable aviation fuel
- Explore Chemistry: Molecular Gatekeepers
- Spring Chemistry Conference 2022
- The Oxford Sir David and Lady Clary Graduate Scholarships in Chemistry
- Ask a Chemist: Kieran Porteous
- ‘Green growth’ sustainable technologies project launches
- 2022 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Professor Dame Carol Robinson
- Associate Professorships in the Department of Chemistry
- International fluorine chemistry prize for Professor Véronique Gouverneur
- RSC Women in Chemistry International Women's Day Panel Event
- Secondary School Teachers’ and Technicians’ Conference 2022
- Carol Robinson awarded Benjamin Franklin Medal
- New resistance-busting antibiotic combination discovered
- Explore Chemistry: Theoretical Chemistry: What is it good for?
- Ask A Chemist: Brian Balmer
- Novel blood-based test can identify if a patient has cancer and if it has spread
- ERC Starting Grant for Volker Deringer
- IUPAC Global Women's Breakfast 2022
- RSC Women in Chemistry: British Science Week 2022
- UNIQ Oxford Chemistry
- Dr Ken Cranstoun
- Aga Borkowska
- Laura Fenwick
- Professor Hagan Bayley FRS
- Research exploring the ‘hidden world’ of proteins attracts prestigious BBSRC grant
- Simon Aldridge receives Humboldt Award
- Metals in medicine
- IBDG Early Career Researcher Award for Glasstone Research Fellow Dr Patricia Rodriguez Macia
- Spectroscopy to diagnose lung disease
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Career and Research Talk and CTL Identification of Unknowns Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Balliol College
- Controlling cell membrane transport with light
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk, with Q and A)
- Career and Research Talk and CTL Identification of Unknowns Workshop
- Career and Research Talk and CTL Identification of Unknowns Workshop
- Career and Research Talk and CTL Identification of Unknowns Workshop
- Career and Research Talk and CTL Identification of Unknowns Workshop
- Career and Research Talk and CTL Identification of Unknowns Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Somerville College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - St Edmund Hall College
- Lab Lurker Workshop - St Edmund Hall College
- Chemistry Taster Day - Balliol College
- Lab Lurker Workshop - St John's College
- Thinking 3D - St Edmund Hall College
- Proteomics identifies blood and egg proteins in 1000-year-old mask decoration
- Mass spectrometry-based methods to investigate potential COVID-19 treatments
- Why Chemistry at Oxford?
- Open days
- FAQs
- What do our students say?
- Carol Robinson appointed Fellow of the Biophysical Society
- Chemical education
- Robert Adlington
- Primary Science Day
- Photo Competition 2023
- CAS Future Leader award for DPhil Student Laura Bickerton
- The origins of symmetry and modularity in nature
- Explore Chemistry: Mass Spectrometry, an Analytical Heavyweight
- New frontiers in radiochemistry with an unexplored 18F-labelled carbene
- Chemistry DPhil students selected to participate in the 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
- Primary Science Day
- Protein Society award for Philipp Kukura
- Study published in Nature may offer a new way to look at the effects of drugs in their native membrane environments
- Dr Courtenay Phillips
- Student Innovation at Oxford Chemistry
- The Hinshelwood Lectures 2022
- Jim Thomson
- Véronique Gouverneur elected to American Academy of Arts & Sciences
- Newton-Abraham Lecture 2022
- Peter Hore elected Fellow of the Royal Society
- Research Excellence Framework 2021 results
- Oxford Chemistry staff and students form volunteer team for parkrun
- EPSRC Programme Grant to develop novel energy and bioelectronic materials
- Ask A Chemist: Anthony Fletcher
- Home2
- Scientists from the Department of Chemistry win four RSC prizes
- Doctoral research initiative launched to tackle antimicrobial resistance
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Balliol College
- Lab Lurker Workshop - Jesus College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Wadham College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Balliol College
- Lab Lurker Workshop - Corpus Christi College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Wadham College
- Chrissie and the Skiddle Witch: A climate change musical
- Oxford University Open Day
- Chemistry in the Garden
- UNIQ 2022
- Biomimetic oscillations in a self-replicating chemical system
- Photo competition 2022 winners
- "First light" for Department's new X-ray diffractometer
- Resistance-busting antibiotics
- Novel blood-based cancer test
- New frontiers in radiochemistry
- MChem Graduate wins History of Chemistry Prize
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- MPLS Teaching Award for Dean Sheppard
- Pathogen-sugar interactions relevant to Covid-19 analysed using novel NMR method
- Oxford University Open Day
- Oxford University Open Day
- In the Flame of a Proper Lamp: Glass and Glassblowing in Making Modern Chemistry
- The Jamie Ferguson Chemistry Innovation Awards
- Ask A Chemist: Lina Cox
- Glassblowing talk launches inaugural Teachers’ and Technicians’ Conference
- Ai Fletcher
- Collaborative review of α-tertiary ether synthesis published
- 7-8 July 2022
- Chemistry recognised in Vice-Chancellor’s Environmental Sustainability Awards
- Impact
- Craig Campbell awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
- ECR MASC prizes for Keith Andrews and Tomasz Piskorz
- Cequestre team named winners of the Oxford University Student Entrepreneurship Programme
- Chancellor visits the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory
- Claudia Tait
- Patricia Rodríguez Maciá
- Overcoming drug-resistant cancer mutations with novel inhibitors
- Michael Neidig
- Chemistry researchers among winners of Royal Society prizes
- Robert Hoye
- Oxford partners with the Optiver Foundation to launch new international postgraduate scholarship programme for women in STEM
- Explore Chemistry: Using Light to Understand and Control Biology
- Autumn Chemistry Conference 2022
- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
- A new bioisostere for meta-substituted arenes
- Adam Kirrander
- Alice Thorneywork
- Explore Chemistry: Fighting Antibiotic Resistance - Natural and Man-Made Solutions
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- New computational technique reveals changes to lung function post COVID-19 infection
- Véronique Gouverneur appointed Waynflete Professor of Chemistry
- Explore Chemistry: Nature’s Chemistry Cupboard: why natural product synthesis?
- Explore Chemistry: Tackling the Climate Emergency: carbon capture and utilisation
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - St Edmund Hall College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - St John's College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - The Queen's College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Magdalen
- Small, Yet Mighty! workshop - Balliol College
- Small, Yet Mighty! workshop - St Edmund Hall College
- RSC Top of the Bench
- RSC Kilcoyne Christmas Lectures: Kinetic Considerations
- RSC Kilcoyne Christmas Lectures: The Chemistry of Celebrations
- BIOREME Fellowship funding grant for Dr Lorenzo Petralia
- Explore Chemistry - Toxic to Sustainable: new ways of making and breaking chemical bonds
- RSC Women in Chemistry: Star Chemist Baking Competition
- KS4 Spring Chemistry Conference 2023
- Support Outreach and Access
- Targeted oxidation of cyclic amine C–H bonds using molecular dynamics-guided enzyme mutations
- Bending a photonic wire into a ring
- AdvanceHE Teaching Awards
- Recent publications
- Optical imaging of electrical charge at the solid–liquid interface
- Chemistry Teaching Laboratory hosts regional heat of RSC schools' competition
- Yujia Qing
- Machine-learning models to create and explain atomic disorder
- Chemistry Race
- Small, Yet Mighty! workshop - Trinity College
- Keble Chemistry Taster Day
- Oxford ACS Shadowing Day
- Ryan Clark
- Fernanda Duarte Gonzalez receives Novartis Early Career Award
- UK Chemistry Olympiad
- UNIQ 2023
- RSC Outreach Fund grant for Oxford Chemistry showcase at community events
- UNIQ Research Internships now open for 2023 applications
- Susan Perkin honoured in annual Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
- Autumn Chemistry Conference 2023
- Discovery of new kind of aperiodic order published in Science
- Georgina Gregory
- Advancing understanding of interactions in electrolyte solutions
- homepage-draft
- National Scientific Thinking Challenge
- Keble Year 12 Taster Day
- St John's Year 12 Chemistry Inspire Study Day
- Lab Lurker Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Magdalen
- Poison Puzzle Workshop - Lady Margaret Hall College
- Theoretical Chemistry Group
- Postgraduate study
- Current graduate students
- 21st Fluorine Interest Group Postgraduate Meeting
- Marie Curious
- Women in Science Day 2023
- UNIQ Academic Module
- Oxford University Open Day
- Oxford University Open Day
- Oxford University Open Day
- Lab Lurker Workshop - Access to Banking
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Georgina Gregory
- Early-career Oxford chemists celebrated at STEM for BRITAIN 2023
- The Jamie Ferguson Chemistry Innovation Awards 2023
- Chemical Crystallography
- What is Chemical Crystallography?
- Control of stereogenic oxygen in a helically chiral oxonium ion
- FluoRok: the future of fluorination
- Analytical service
- Training
- FAQs
- Lab Lurker Workshop
- Lab Lurker Workshop - Queens College
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Building Bridges: Department of Chemistry leads University-wide collaborative project working with primary schools
- Oxford team wins second prize in National Retrosynthesis Competition
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Balliol Year 12 Chemistry Taster Day
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- Applied mathematics prize for early career chemist
- 7th UK-Japan Catalysis Meeting
- 2023 Hinshelwood Lectures
- Crafting the Jamies: where chemistry and art meet
- Robert Hoye one of MIT Technology Review's Innovators Under 35
- Oxford spinout HydRegen secures £2.6m to revolutionize sustainable chemical manufacturing
- Sustainable solar cell material shown to be highly promising for medical imaging
- New method for phosphorus(V) stereocenters by nucleophilic substitution
- Unravelling the structure of amorphous red phosphorus
- Véronique Gouverneur delivers George Büchi lectures at MIT
- Andrew Goodwin elected Fellow of the Royal Society
- Apply to the Joseph Rufino Cordeiro Foundation Summer Research Studentships in Sustainable Chemistry
- Professor Sir Brian Smith
- Photo competition 2023 winners
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- Oxford spin-out OXCCU raises £18 million to transform carbon dioxide into sustainable aviation fuel
- Five RSC prizes for Department of Chemistry scientists
- Instrumentation and personnel
- Terms and conditions
- First example of a stable beryllium-beryllium bond synthesised
- Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Environmental Sustainability
- Professor John Goodenough
- MPLS Teaching Award for Dr Martin Galpin
- Patrick Robertson
- Astrophoria Foundation Year
- Building Bridges: meet the researchers
- Breakthrough method for hazard-free production of fluorochemicals
- Peter Watson
- Poster prize for Penny Hyde
- Ionization bond rearrangement on cover of PCCP
- Patrick Rabe
- Patrick Rabe
- Postdocs
- PhD thesis prize for Oxford research fellow
- No evidence for magnetic field effects on fly behaviour
- Synthetic signalling system in artificial cells
- Nicola Kelly
- Clare Rees-Zimmerman
- Information for applicants
- Postgraduate degree courses
- Postgraduate funding
- Policies and procedures
- Skills training
- Luminescent organic molecules for quantum information science
- Milestone assessments
- Postgraduate teaching opportunities
- Michail Stamatakis
- Oxford chemist among Royal Society award winners
- Michael Cotterell
- New ‘droplet battery’ could pave the way for miniature bio-integrated devices
- Meera Mehta
- Prof Stephen Faulkner becomes Head of Department
- Three new Professors join Oxford Chemistry
- Nenad Vranješ awarded Honorary MA
- Two chemists among Oxford academics awarded ERC Starting Grants
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Conference Test Stream Page
- KS5 Autumn Chemistry Conference Livestream
- Three Oxford Chemistry groups collaborate on amorphous calcium carbonate
- Joseph Rufino Cordeiro Foundation (JRCF) Summer Research Studentships 2023
- Arynes from triaryloxonium ions
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Interview: BBC Science Editor Rebecca Morelle
- AstraZeneca CASE Symposium Prize for DPhil student Claire Dooley
- Victor Lee
- Three 1851 Industrial Fellowships for Oxford Chemistry DPhils
- Meet the winners of the Jamie Ferguson Chemistry Innovation Awards 2023
- Explore Chemistry - Can waste carbon dioxide solve the global plastics problem?
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Lab Lurker Workshop
- Graffiti Game Workshop
- Success for Chemistry teaching staff
- Making chemistry more accessible by providing period products
- On-surface synthesis of a doubly anti-aromatic carbon allotrope
- Oxford chemist part of international project to create universal quantum dynamics simulation software
- Women in Chemistry Research Day 2023
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- £1m early-stage innovation fund SCGC-FIRST to accelerate sustainable tech development in chemical industry opens today
- Graduate open days
- Poison Puzzle Workshop
- The longest polyynes
- Department of Chemistry hosts Africa Oxford Initiative Visiting Fellow Dr Phanankosi Moyo
- Graduate Open Days
- Public Christmas Lecture: A Quantum Christmas Robin
- Chemistry Race 2024
- Chemistry Race 2024 - Registration
- Astrophoria Foundation Year open to applications
- Véronique Gouverneur delivers the Bohlmann Lecture at Technical University of Berlin
- Schools' Christmas Chemistry Conference Livestream
- Graduate open day
- Lab Lurker
- Poison Puzzle
- Lab Lurker
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Kiosk
- Waynflete Inaugural Lecture
- Poison Puzzle
- Professor Richard Wayne FRSC
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Poison Puzzle
- Early career researchers: Optimise your time at Oxford
- Ryan Clark awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
- Graffiti Game Workshop
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Fernanda Duarte recognised in annual Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists
- Jamie Ferguson Chemistry Innovation Awards 2024 open for entries
- As easy as counting to ten – a new rule for catalysts’ design
- OxWIC Seminar: International Day of Women and Girls in Science
- Oxford chemists collaborate on roadmap for circular carbon and plastics economy
- Lab Lurker
- Graffiti Game Workshop
- Poison Puzzle
- Oxford Chemistry glassblower in BBC crafting showcase
- High-sensitivity cavity ringdown polarimetry
- Ultrafast dynamics in a molecular photoswitch
- IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast 2024
- Andrew Goodwin delivers the CNR Rao Award Lecture of the CRSI
- Poison Puzzle
- Patrick Myers
- Fireside Chat with Prof Kylie Vincent and Dr Holly Reeve, founders of HydRegen
- Opportunities to Engage
- Building Bridges
- Chemistry in Oxford
- Electron spin relaxation in radical-pair magnetoreceptors
- Balliol Year 12 Chemistry Taster Day
- Unsung Heroes of Science
- Self-assembling nanoparticles lead to strong polarized light emitters
- Chemistry in Schools
- Festivals, Competitions and Awards
- Chemistry in the Community
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- Engaged Research
- S.T.E.A.M.
- What's On
- Schools' Chemistry Conferences
- Poison Puzzle / Graffiti Game
- Lab Lurker
- Explore Chemistry - Coming up for Air: how plants sense and respond to changes in oxygen
- Like charges attract?
- South West Roadshow
- Modelling Si–O nanostructures with active machine learning
- Oxford collaboration uncovers correct structure of [18]annulene anions
- Department of Chemistry : Use of cookies on this website
- Battle the Bugs!
- Battle the Bugs!
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk with Q&A)
- Poison Puzzle
- Chelation enables selective enantioconvergent Suzuki–Miyaura coupling
- A new route to semiconducting nanoribbons
- Marie Curious
- PGCE Visit
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Safety
- New centre for a sustainable, green chemistry future
- Single-molecule light scattering using optical holography
- New Centre for Doctoral Training in Inorganic Materials for Advanced Manufacturing (IMAT)
- Poison Puzzle
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk with Q&A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk with Q&A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk with Q&A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk with Q&A)
- Fragrance Chemistry / Combinatorial Esters (plus optional talk with Q&A)
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- The Creative Chemistry Tent
- SCGC–FIRST awards announced
- Death in a (Victorian) Drawing Room Workshops
- Oxford chemist among ‘outstanding research leaders’ awarded major ERC grants
- Poison Puzzle
- Andy Sode Anker one of Forbes 30 Under 30
- Oxford chemists develop ionophores with “AND logic” activation
- Scientists uncover promising new treatment strategy for aggressive form of leukaemia
- Autumn Chemistry Conference 2024
- Oxford Earth Day 2024: Planet vs. Plastics
- Peter Atkins offers new book free as a 'gift to the chemistry community'
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Oxford chemists awarded Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Bug Fight!
- Poison Puzzle
- Top of the Bench Thames Valley Regional Heats 2025
- Robert Hoye awarded Royal Academy of Engineering Senior Research Fellowship
- St John's Year 12 Chemistry Inspire Study Day
- Series 2 of student podcast Periodically released
- Poison Puzzle
- UNIQ 2024
- Primary Science Days
- North Wales Roadshow
- Death in a (Victorian) Drawing Room Workshops
- Death in a (Victorian) Drawing Room Workshops
- Building Bridges: Bridge 7 - Into the Blue
- Bug Fight!
- Bug Fight!
- On-surface synthesis of an odd-number cyclo[13]carbon
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Lab Lurker
- Enabling nucleophilic reactivity in molecular calcium fluoride complexes
- Simon Aldridge elected Fellow of the Royal Society
- University of Oxford to lead new Sustainable Chemicals and Materials Manufacturing Research Hub
- Be(0) complex synthesised: A new oxidation state for beryllium
- Bug Fight!
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Charlotte Williams appointed to the Professorship of Inorganic Chemistry
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Peter Atkins
- Oxford University Open Day
- Four Oxford University chemists awarded Royal Society of Chemistry prizes
- Oxford University Open Day
- Oxford University Open Day
- Dr Duhan Toparlak to attend Lindau Nobel Meeting
- Building Bridges: Bridge 7 - Into the Blue
- Building Bridges: Bridge 7 - Into the Blue
- Introducing the recipients of the 2024 Jamie Ferguson Innovation Awards
- Department of Chemistry members receive MPLS Teaching Awards
- Matthew Fuchter
- Anna Regoutz
- Discovery of disorder-driven mechanical strengthening published in Nature Materials
- Yimon Aye
- Awards for Chemistry Teaching Staff
- OxWiChem Day 2024
- Darren Dixon receives Charles Rees Award
- Machine learning for modelling solvent effects
- Véronique Gouverneur receives Prous Institute Overton and Meyer Award
- Paul Roberts
- Biocatalysed hydrogenation of nitro compounds to amines
- Véronique Gouverneur among Royal Society award winners
- Scientists develop new method to detect fake vaccines
- Jamie Wilmore
- SCGC-FIRST round two launched to accelerate sustainable innovations in the chemicals industry
- Ewan Forsyth
- KS5 Autumn Chemistry Conference Livestream 2024
- Faraday Discussions meeting on Data-Driven Chemistry
- The Curiosity Cube Workshops 2024
- Defect tolerance in “hot carriers” for solar cell materials
- Julie Jalila Kalmoni
- Fernanda Duarte delivers Almlöf-Gropen Lectures
- Oxford spinout FluoRok raises £7.7m funding
- Tech check conference
- Tech check conference 25/09
- Joseph Rufino Cordeiro Foundation (JRCF) Summer Research Studentships 2024
- Shurui Miao
- Merck’s mobile science lab brings hands-on education to Oxford
- Welcome to three new Chemistry Professors
- Dan Congrave
- Dan Congrave
- Explore Chemistry - light-activated transport of ions across a lipid bilayer membrane
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Covid-19 Chiral Chemistry Workshop
- Bug Fight!
- Bug Fight!
- Bug Fight!
- Independent fellowships
- Postdoctoral fellowships
- Pol Hernández Lladó
- Optical sensors for pollutants on cover of Chemical Communications
- Organic Chemistry and Chemical Biology Open Day
- Shurui Miao
- Batteries for miniature bio-integrated devices and robotics
- Online Q&A with the team for the Astrophoria Foundation Year in Chemistry
- Bug Fight!
- Explore Chemistry - Axial Chirality in Oxonium Ions
- UNIQ 2025
- Explore Chemistry
- New method to map cell-specific chemical signalling in living systems
- Pol Hernández Lladó receives Novo Nordisk – Oxford Fellowship
- Trinity College Online CPD Programme for Teachers 2025
- Christiane Timmel awarded International EPR Society Medal
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Fluorspar activated in water under mild conditions
- XuPHOS Oxford Fund launched to support Oxford Chemistry DPhil research
- oxDNA aids the creation of nanoscale DNA dinosaurs
- Matthew Langton receives European Research Council Consolidator Grant
- Oxford ACS Shadowing Day
- The Chemistry Behind Beating the Superbugs
- Sustainable Living: The consequences of everyday decision making
- Learning the lessons from Covid 19 to prepare for future pandemics
- Structure based drug discovery in Biomedicine
- Seeing molecules through the eyes of an organic chemist
- Complicated Chemists: The dark history of chemical inventions
- The Chemistry of Art
- Drug Discovery: from benchtop to patient
- The importance of hydrogen to the present and future
- How the structure of proteins influence their functions – with a brief introduction to molecular modelling
- How to effectively read scientific papers
- Borealis Award for Clement Collins Rice
- Oliver Crook
- Oliver Crook
- The first hexa-valent nickel complex
- Explore Chemistry - Using modern crystallographic methods to combat antibiotic resistance
- Unlocking the secrets of efficient solar cell materials
- Christiane Timmel elected as Fellow of International Society of Magnetic Resonance
- Explore Chemistry - Solving the plastic waste crisis with Chemistry!
- St John's Year 12 Chemistry Inspire Study Day
- Charlotte Hancox
- Lab Lurker
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Molecular machine ion transport relays in lipid bilayer membranes
- OXCCU named on 2025 Global Cleantech 100
- Ewan Forsyth awarded Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
- UnidecNMR: a new method for automatic NMR peak detection in 1–4 dimensions
- Announcing the 2024 SCGC–FIRST awards recipients
- RSC Top of the Bench Thames Valley Regional Heats 2025
- Poison Puzzle
- Poison Puzzle
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Online Primary Workshop: Plastic Fantastic?
- Lab Lurker
- Lab Lurker
- Freeland's Primary Science Day
- Marie Curious
- Yorkshire Roadshow
- Poison Puzzle
- A new route to nucleophilic substitution with potassium fluoride
- ON-OFF nanopore: Regulating transmembrane signals with light
- Professor Graham Richards CBE FRS
- Careers in Chemistry
- Apply for JRCF Studentships sponsored by the Joseph Rufino Cordeiro Foundation
- Balliol College Chemistry Taster Day 2025
- Explore Chemistry - Chemistry to save the world
- UK Catalysis Hub III launches with £12.5m EPSRC investment
- Fireside Chat with Professor Dame Carol Robinson and Dr Idlir Liko of OMass Therapeutics
- Theo Tanner
- Kinetic Considerations - Lecture Demonstration
- Early Career Fellowships Workshop
- Balliol College Chemistry Event
- Balliol College Chemistry Event
- Shurui Miao receives ISIS Springboard Award
- The subtle order in disordered silicon
- Andy Sode Anker selected among 30 Best Young Scientists in the World Working on Climate Change
- National Scientific Thinking Challenge
- Early-career Oxford chemists celebrated at STEM for BRITAIN 2025
- Applications open to the 2025 Jamie Ferguson Chemistry Innovation Awards