Edman Tsang

edman tsang

Professor Edman Tsang

Professor of Inorganic Chemistry



Research Interests

Solving energy and chemicals issues to human is one of the most essential undertakings for chemists of the 21st century. My main research interests are on both fundamental and applied aspects in catalysis concerning energy and environment which include developments of catalytic, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic technologies for carbon recycling and utilizations, energy storage and transport (hydrogen, ammonia, methanol and formic acid), processes and production, etc. Particular expertise is in design and architecture of catalysts, which can lead to understanding of catalytic surfaces and interfaces. I am keen to contribute to catalytic sciences with particular focus to seek for catalytic applications in renewable energies, sustainable fuels and chemicals, circular economy with reduction in emissions. 

The highlights below are some of the current research themes taking place in my group, which should give you an overview of our research directions. As the Head of Wolfson Catalysis I am more than happy to provide you further information if required, please visit our Research group and contact us from the details there.

Green Hydrogen and Ammonia with no toxic emissions. We are actively developing new catalysts and catalytic technologies for hydrogen production from photo water splitting; electrolysis; ammonia, C1 and biomasses decompositions with recycling for storing and transporting of hydrogen to bridge the gap between sustainable energy production and fuel/chemical uses and therefore are an essential component of a viable hydrogen economy. Recently, Tsang group is working on ammonia synthesis from renewables as well as the decomposition technologies with Siemens in collaboration with industry. 

CO2 conversions

New catalytic technologies to convert greenhouse gas CO2 into useful products by renewable energy is becoming more important than ever due to some recent alarming events from climate change consequence. Among various products from C1 chemistry (i.e. methanol, methane, formic acid), more attention is recently paid to the hydrogenation of CO2 to higher alcohols and higher hydrocarbons (green gasoline). Development of highly effective and selective catalysts remains a great challenge. Moreover, further in-depth comprehension of the reaction mechanisms offers practical guidance to new design of catalyst systems. 

Heterogeneous Catalysis and Cleaner Energy Provisions

In collaboration with a number of UK universities through EPSRC funded consortia (Formic acid economy and C-cycle: CO2 capture activation and utilisation) and industrial companies (Johnson Matthey, Siemens, SINOPEC and SCG, etc) in order to take the long term vision of reducing carbon emission to the atmosphere. Current projects concerning hydrogen storage, development of fuel cell catalysts, cleaner catalytic combustion, green chemistry (oil, gas and coal ultilization), energy efficiency chemical processes (on-board reforming), catalytic processes for energy productions (i.e. photocatalysis, reforming of bio-fuels) are ongoing.

Single atom/nanoparticle catalysts and characterization 

The Tsang group is renowned in the synthesis of new catalytic nanostructures and development of in-situ and operando spectroscopy and microscopy to characterise them under realistic conditions. Utilisation of various synchrotron-based techniques for the study of both fundamental and applied aspects in Novel Chemistry Materials and Catalysis. They have extensive expertise in operando synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction (i.e. Diamond beamline I11), synchrotron X-ray scattering – pair distribution function, ultra-soft X-ray resonant diffraction, in-situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy, etc. Prof. Tsang is the Champion of User Group of beamline B07 (Versatile Soft X-ray (VerSoX) beamline) at Diamond Light Source that is dedicated to X-ray photoemission and absorption of functional interfaces encompassing catalysis, materials science, energy and biochemistry.

Associated Research Themes:  

Advanced functional materials and interfaces 
Energy and sustainable chemistry


Edman Tsang is a Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Head of Wolfson Catalysis Laboratory at Oxford Chemistry since 2007. He also serves as the catalysis theme co-ordinator in the department. His main research interests are on nanomaterials and heterogeneous catalysis concerning energy and environment which include developments of catalytic, photocatalytic and electrocatalytic technologies for green chemistry, fine chemicals, cleaner combustion, energy storages, processes and production, ammonia and hydrogen technologies including fuel cells, etc. Particular expertise is in design and architecture of nanocatalysts and their in situ diffraction and spectroscopic characterization, which can lead to understanding of catalytic surfaces and interfaces. From 2004-2006, he was the personal chair professor of the Chemistry department at Reading University, serving as Director of Research, followed by the appointment of the Head of Reading Surface and Catalysis Research Centre (2000-2004). He was a Royal Society University Research Fellow between Oxford and Reading (1995-2000). He has more than 400 referred publications with h-index of about 70, 6 book chapters and 16 patents. He has been the top 10% highly cited researcher in RSC general chemistry (2014-2016). He has won a number of international awards including WGO award, London University (1993); IChemE award on iAc innovation in catalysis (2005), IChemE NES Awards for Novel Engineering-shortlisted candidate (2008); Royal Society Kan Tong Po Professorship (2012); Royal Society Green Chemistry award (2012) and Royal Society Surfaces and Interfaces award (2013), etc. He has recently found OXGRIN www.oxgrin.com for the development and commercialisation of breakthrough catalytic technologies in green energy applications.



01865 282610

Research group

The Tsang Group


University College