Our outreach programmes are focused on the following aims:
INSPIRE - Increase understanding of chemistry as a vibrant, relevant and 'living' science.
We provide educational experiences in schools, community groups, Oxford colleges, the Chemistry Teaching Laboratory (CTL), and online, with the aim of increasing the understanding of the relevance and value of chemistry and its place in society.
ASPIRE - Encourage young people of aptitude, especially those from non-traditional backgrounds, to consider studying Chemistry at university.
We collaborate with Oxford colleges, institutions, faculties, departments, other universities, learned societies and charities to provide opportunities for young people to discover the value of post-18 study.
ATTAIN - Enable young people to fulfil their academic potential.
We support student curricular and super-curricular achievement, as well as the teachers, and technician professionals, with whom they study.
You can contact us at outreach@chem.ox.ac.uk